School Calendar – 2022


8th January      –       Open 1st Term

5th – 14th February      –       Monthly Tests

15th – 18th February      –       Break

19th – 28th March      –       Mid-term tests

14th – 28th April      –       Mid-term Break

27th May – 5th June      –       Terminal Exams

6th June      –       Class Parties

8th June      –       Parents – Teachers’ Conference

10th – 28th June      –       Grade 4, 6 and 7 National Exams Preparations



13th June      –       Open 2nd Term

25th July – 4th August      –       Mid – term  Tests

6st August      –       Parents – Teachers’ Conference

8th August – 5th September      –       Mid term Break

5th – 6th October – National Exams – Grade 7

26th – 27th October      –       National Exams Grade 4

26th November     –       Grade 7 Graduation

28th November – 13th December      –       End of 2nd Term Exams

14th December      –       Class Parties

17th December      –       Parents – Teachers’ Conference